Community News
In the past month we have had several instances of overnight thefts from cars left unlocked in driveways. Please be sure to lock your vehicles and do not leave any valuables visible in the car. Do not hesitate to call the Hillsborough Sheriff at any time to report suspicious activity.
Common Area Beautification – the Board continues to review alternatives for improving the look of our entrance. Suggestions include:
Entrance Light – the broken stained glass panes in the eastern light fixture (broken by vandals several months ago) have been replaced.
Dog waste continues to be a problem. Several neighbors have complained about dog waste in their yards. While we remind everyone that dogs must be kept on leashes and owners must cleanup up after their animals, we also believe stray dogs from other neighborhoods may be causing the problem. Call Animal Services at 744-5660 to report nuisance complaints.
October, 2007