Dear Homeowners,
There are several items that the Board would like you to be aware of:
- Foreclosures we have only two pending in the community much better than anticipated!
- 8810 Sold please extend a warm welcome to our new neighbor Mr. & Mrs. Davis.
- Neighborhood Watch we continue to have occasional problems in the neighborhood. Please remain vigilant and do not hesitate to call the Hillsborough Sheriff if you observe suspicious activity.
- Loose Animals a reminder that pets - including cats - should not be allowed to run free. We are also seeing an increase in animal waste therefore a reminder that everyone must cleanup after their animals. If we can cut down on the number of free-roaming animals in our community that will help the situation. (If you have any information on the owner of the Chihuahua that often runs loose in the Southwest corner of our development please let us know so we can contact the owner).
- Slip and Fall Lawsuit this matter was rescheduled and comes before a judge on March 22. Our insurance agency attorney is representing us and has filed a motion to dismiss.
- If your home is in need of painting, the Color Book with approved colors and combinations can be borrowed from Claire Martinez. More information can be found on our web site..
The Board would like to thank all our homeowners who maintain their house and yard within our community standards.
The Board will be conducting a violations walk before the end of the month. The Board will be looking at the following:
- Dirty mailbox
- Dead plants that have not been trimmed back
- Weeds in flower beds
- Trees that need to be trimmed
- Bushes & hedges that need to be trimmed
Lawns will be reviewed at a later date so as to allow for recovery from the colder than normal winter. To aid in your lawns recovery now is the time to rake thatch and leaves.
The violation policy for 2010 will be to send no more than 2 violations letters. The time allowed to correct violations will depend on the type of violation. If the violation is not corrected the matter will then be turned over to the Arbitration Committee to assess a fine. If the violation is still not corrected the matter will be turned over to the association attorney.
Please remember that the Board is manned by volunteers your neighbors with limited time to spend on Board matters. The volunteer Board by handling HOA matters and not having to engage a Management Company is saving each owner over $150 per year! Your cooperation and continued assistance is appreciated.
ACHOA Board of Directors