Community Newsletter

The Board has received many positive comments from owners about the cleanup and improvements to the front entrance. We are pleased that the time and effort that was required to effect these changes is appreciated.

We have found that the drip irrigation system in the entrance cannot be used – it cannot handle the output of the well pump (system pressure is over 100 psi) and will damage the pipes and pump. The Board is evaluating alternatives to correct the situation. At the same time we are reviewing bids to improve the sprinkler coverage in the common areas and shrubs to deal with dry spots and we expect to have a decision the first week in July.

The Board continues to identify opportunities to maintain and improve the appearance of the community. This helps maintain the value and salability of our homes – we ask for your understanding and cooperation if we bring items that need correction to your attention.

The following violations of our CC&R requirements for proper maintenance have been found:

The Board will be reviewing compliance with the above items over the next two weeks. Now that the rainy season is here it is an ideal time to rake out dead grass, deal with lawn pests, and fill in dead spots. If we know that you are actively working at correcting problems it will avoid any misunderstandings.

The next Board meeting will be held at 7PM on July 10 at the Riverview Civic Center. There are a number of important agenda items to be discussed. The agenda along with all covenants and requirements is posted on our web site. If you are unable to access the Internet the Board will be pleased to provide you with a copy of the agenda.

As always, the Board welcomes suggestions, ideas, comments, feedback and volunteers from the community.


Your Aberdeen Creek Board of Directors

July 1, 2008