ACHOA Board of Directors
April 8, 2005
Dear Neighbors
Your Board of Directors has held several meetings this year and we would like to update you on what actions have taken place, outline what is planned for the remainder of the year, we have some information to share with you, and we need your reply on several items.
Your current Directors for 2005 (and their addresses and email contact information):
President Doug Brown (# 9004)
Vice President Rob Fisher (# 8940)
Secretary Clifford Reiss (# 8941)
Treasurer Julia Ryan (# 8952)
At-Large Member Gary Stecker (# 8916)
Actions taken this year at the Board Meetings include:
All homeowners are reminded that the CC&R’s define and govern our community standards. You should have received a copy of the CC&R and CC&R Fencing Supplement from your realtor or title company when you purchased your home – you can also find a copy on the Aberdeen Creek Homeowners Association web site at Please note -- the password for all locked pages is "achoa4u".
There have been 3 Amendments to the CC&R in the past 12 months – copies of these amendments are included with this letter (and should soon be available on the web site):
To provide you with as much advance notice as possible of future Board meetings we are planning to schedule the meetings for the rest of the year during the 3’rd week of each month -- usually Thursday evenings except during the summer when we will meet on Saturday mornings . The next ACHOA Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 21, 7 P.M. at the Riverview Civic Center (11020 Park Avenue). Meeting notices will also be posted on the Bulletin Board at the exit to the subdivision and we will soon begin to also post them to our web site.
Minutes of past Board meetings will also be posted on the web as soon as the site can be updated – in the meantime you can contact the Board Secretary should you wish to view a copy of past minutes
The Board unanimously passed a motion at the end of March to add Claire Martinez to the Architectural Control Committee. A copy of this motion will be included in the minute book of the Association along with the minutes from the scheduled meetings.
You may have noticed that some of our mailboxes are turning black with mold. A quick application of bleach (i.e. Clorox) is all that is required to kill the mold and whiten the mailbox. As a community service the Board is planning to have the contractor who we select to clean the fence at the subdivision entrance to also spray a Clorox solution on the mailboxes. IF YOU WISH TO OPT-OUT FROM THIS MAILBOX CLEANING you can send an email to Rob Fisher at OR detach, fill in, and mail the "Opt Out" form enclosed with this letter to the ACHOA at our Post Office Box.
There is a Directory of Homeowners on the web site that we would like to update. Please visit the web site and if you have changes to the directory you can email the changes to Clifford Reiss, the Board Secretary, at OR send the attached Owner Information Sheet to the Board at our Post Office Box. Up to date information is important so you can continue to receive Homeowners Association notices and Dues Assessment Invoices.
We expect to continue preparing and distributing our Community Newsletter thanks to the efforts of Claire Martinez (ACC #8930) who has volunteered to spearhead this effort. Please contact her with your ideas and contributions.
Your Board of Directors welcomes your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to contact any of the Board members with your suggestions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you at the next Board Meeting on April 21, 7 PM, at the Riverview Civic Center (11020 Park Avenue – a ˝ mile West of our subdivision)
Doug, Rob, Cliff, Julia and Gary
Please Read the Attachments on the next 3 pages…..
of ABERDEEN CREEK dated 6th day of February, 2001 ("CC&R")
CC&R AMENDMENTS as of April 6, 2005
Amendment #1
Date: April 14, 2004
Motion: To amend Article VII, General Covenants and Restrictions, page 21,
Section 6, last sentence to read as follows
No above-ground swimming pools, screening of front porches or garages, antennas or solar collectors are permitted on any lot.
Free standing storage sheds or out buildings are permitted with the following limitations:
Amendment #2
Date: April 14, 2004
Motion: To amend Article VII, General Covenants and Restrictions, page 21,
Section 6, last sentence to read as follows
Full view storm doors are permitted on the front door of any dwelling. The definition of full view is: The frame portion of the storm door may not be wider than three inches. Absolutely no storm doors with kick plates will be allowed.
If screens are to be used, all screens for full view doors must be outfit or retrofit with "invisible screen" material.
Amendment #3
Date: March 17, 2005
Motion: To amend Article VII, General Covenants and Restrictions, pages 21—22, Section 7, to clarify the definition of "temporary".
The Board defines temporary parking of vehicles as cited in Article VII Section 7 of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Aberdeen Creek "Storage of Vehicles, Water Craft, Machinery or Equipment" to mean no more than 3 consecutive days and not to exceed 12 days per year. A day is defined as 8 or more hours in a 24 hour period. A homeowner can petition the Board for relief for special circumstances.
Complete and return this form if you do NOT want to have your mailbox cleaned.
Name ____________________________
Address ____________________________
I will make my own arrangements for cleaning my mailbox and request that my mailbox NOT be included in the community-wide cleaning.
____________________________ ____________
Signature Date
Please email your "Opt Out" request to
Mail this completed page to:
P.O. Box 1603
Riverview, Florida 33568
Please PRINT all information
Name: _________________________________________________________________
* Street Address: _________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________ Alternate Phone: _______________________
E-Mail: _________________________________________________________________
** Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________
(only if different from street address)
Mailing City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________
* Please indicate your Aberdeen Creek Street Address, then your ** mailing address if different from the Aberdeen Creek address. This is important for Homeowners Association notices and Dues Assessment Invoicing.
Please complete this form (if an update is required) and mail the entire page to:
PO Box 1603
Riverview, Florida 33568