Aberdeen Creek Homeowners Association

Emergency Meeting Minutes

June 6, 2009



Meeting called to order at 9:47 AM by Denise Briggs, President

Roll call: Denise Briggs, President, Claire Martinez, Vice-President, Marci Martin, Alternate acting as secretary. Absent Cliff Reiss, Treasurer, Debbie August-Wise, Secretary

> Property #648--motion to send to Arbitration Committee-- motion to approve by Marci Martin, second Claire Martinez, all approved*

> Property #324 -- motion to send to Arbitration Committee-- motion to approve by Marci Martin, second Claire Martinez, all approved*

> Property #720 – Item # 3 was corrected-- motion to send to Arbitration Committee for 2 outstanding violations-- motion to approve by Marci Martin, second Claire Martinez, all approved*

(* approval by all Board members present and voting)

The Arbitration Committee has scheduled a meeting 06/27/09 @ 10 am @ 8803 ACC

Discussion to add the following paint scheme to the ACHOA Color Book: SW 6050 Abalone Shell-Body/SW 6051 Sashay Sand-Garage Door/SW 6147 Panda White Trim/SW 6020 Marooned-Door-- motion to approve by Marci Martin, second Claire Martinez, all approved*

Discussion to add the following paint scheme to the ACHOA Color Book: SW 6178 Clary Sage-Body/SW 6181 Secret Garden Door/SW 6175 Sagey/Extra White-Trim---- motion to approve by Marci Martin, second Claire Martinez, all approved*

Discussion to add the following paint scheme to the ACHOA Color Book: SW 6073 Perfect Greige-Body/SW 6243 Distance Door/SW 6098 Pacer White-Trim---- motion to approve by Marci Martin, second Claire Martinez, all approved*


Meeting adjourned at 10:10AM - motion made by Claire Martinez, second by Marci Martin, all present voted in favor.



Aberdeen Creek Homeowners Association

P.O. Box 1603

Riverview, Florida 33569
