Agenda for Emergency Meeting
Date - May 9, 2009
Time- 10:00 A.M.
Place - 8915 Aberdeen Creek Circle
Purpose - Review fine schedule to be levied against homeowners who have received violations letters and who have not complied
- Call to order
- Reading of previous minutes
- Vote on new members to Arbitration Committee- Heather Zerby and Karen Knowles
- Discussion of fine schedule to be levied against homeowners in violation
- Motion to hire Mike Wise for pond maintenance (E-mail on 1-14, 2009- Cliff made motion, Marci 2nd motion, approved by Denise and Claire, Debbie abstained)
- January Financials
- February Financials
- March Financials
- April Financials
- ACC Report by Claire
- Motion to set up petty cash fund of $50.00- discussion and vote
- Adjourn meeting