HOA Board Meeting - Special
Reiss Residence
February 21, 2008 at 7:00 pm
- Board Member Roll Call
Called to order 7:05 PM by Marci Martin, President
All Board members in attendance – Denise Briggs, Cliff Reiss
Rob Fisher, John Cirello
II. Meeting called to authorize funds to continue the front entrance and landscape beautification project. Without authorization, work would have to be delayed until after the April meeting
- D. Briggs noted that a major savings from budget has been realized from the lawn maintenance contract.
- D. Briggs reviewed bids for painting the front entrance sign.
- Motion to authorize up to $500 for painting the sign. Motion JC, 2nd RF – aye unanimous.
- Next step on the project was reviewed by D Briggs. Step to include flowers, cleaning stones and mulch. Motion to authorize up to $2,000 for this step. Motion JC, 2nd RF – aye unanimous.
III General Discussion held on the need for legal advice in light of certain problems.
- R Fisher agreed to set up meeting with attorney.
- Motion to authorize up to $300 for the meeting. Motion RF, 2nd CR – aye unanimous.
IV Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM
John Cirello