Aberdeen Creek Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 1603
Riverview, Florida 33568
HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Riverview Civic Center
7/19/07 at 7:00 pm
ATTENDEES: David Flynn-President, Marci Martin – Vice President, Cliff Reiss – Treasurer, Deanna Davis – At Large, Amy Perez – Secretary. The following homes were represented: 8803, 8805, 8806, 8901, 8913, 8914, 8944, 8950 and 9008.
- Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 4/18/07. Motion to approve by Amy Perez, seconded by Deanna Davis. Unanimous approval.
- Report of Standing Committees
- Treasurer’s Report
- May Expenses $1,459.01
- June Expenses $1,320.08, June Statements confirmed by Marci Martin
- Balance Available $18,962.01
- Marci Martin motioned to approve, seconded by Deanna Davis. Unanimous approval.
- Architectural Committee Report
- Carol Flynn reported no new projects were submitted for review. Need to obtain a copy of the approved colors for the community.
- Submittal Status
- Ad Hoc Committee
- Arbitration Committee
- No report, committee is inactive.
- Old Business
- Sheds and Storm Doors Amendment has been filed and is currently posted on the website.
- Update Homeowner List – Amy to walk the community with one other board member to update list and determine who does not have access to the Internet and would need another form of communication of community business.
- Neighborhood Security and Recent Vandalism – Egg on boat and paint on stop sign
- Proposal to move HOA fees payment due date – Amy to draft proposal to discuss with homeowners when updating the Homeowner List.
- Foreclosures – 2 homes in our community
- Sidewalk repairs needed outside our community. County has been notified and it is on their work list.
- Violations
- Notices sent since last meeting
- 6 violation notices were sent. 3 responded and thank you notes were sent to those homeowners. The 3 that have not responded will be sent fine letters.
- New Business
- Board Member Email Protocol
- Cliff Reiss presented to the Board the following standard for adoption: "The Board recognizes that individual Board Members may wish to send emails to the community from time to time on matters that are not part of formal Board business. The Board suggests that in such circumstances the emails clearly state that the email has been sent as an individual homeowner and not on behalf of the Board. Language such as "I am sending this email as an individual homeowner and not in my capacity as a Board member" is recommended." All Board Members voted unanimously to adopt this standard.
- Homeowner email list will be updated when other community information is updated.
- Adoption of Interim ACC Guidelines
- Changes in recent homeowner association laws require Design Standards be established.
- Board Members unanimously approved the following motion proposed by Cliff Reiss and seconded by Amy Perez. "The ACHOA Board of Directors, effectively and immediately, have adopted the following ACC guidelines (a.k.a. Design Standards) to govern approval of plans for any modifications as further defined in Article VI of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Aberdeen Creek – a.k.a. "CC&R": "The Aberdeen Creek ACC guidelines are amended effective July 19, 2007 to only allow modifications that are identical to a modification previously approved by the ACC. All other modifications are specifically prohibited."
- Landscape Proposals
- One homeowner wrote a letter to the Board in opposition of expenditure of funds on the landscaping.
- David Flynn has obtained various proposals for improvements to the frontage of our community. David selected the best proposal to discuss with the Board Members. Board Members decided to table this issue until they were able to study the proposal and make a decision.
- Other New Business
- Retention Pond Debris/ Storm Drain Complaints
- David Flynn will call Aqua Terra to ask if they can do pond debris removal.
- Cliff Reiss will draft a letter to send to homeowners to explain grass clippings clog the drainage system and can cause our Retention Pond to fail and eventually could cost the community additional maintenance fees and fines by Southwest Florida Water Management District.
- Kristy Pollack will call the County to install a grate in the large storm drains along the roads within the community. The openings are so large a small child can fit through the opening.
- Sign is getting old and damaged
- David Flynn will call a sign guy to request an estimate to repair or replace.
- Being no further business, motion to adjourn made by David Flynn seconded by Amy Perez. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm
Recording Secretary: Amy Perez, Secretary - Aberdeen Creek HOA