HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Riverview Civic Center


ATTENDEES: David Flynn-President, Marci Martin-Vice President, Cliff Reiss-Treasurer, Deanna Davis-At Large, Amy Perez - Secretary. The following homes were represented: 8913 and 8939.

David Flynn called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. Five board members were present providing a quorum.

  1. Review and Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 1/25/07
    1. Minutes were read by Amy Perez. Motion to approve the minutes by Deanna Davis and seconded by Marci Martin.
  2. Report of Standing Committees
    1. Treasurer’s Report – Cliff Reiss read the treasurer’s report. Community Assets total $23,052.51 and the Expenses for the month of March were $1,261.75. Financials are on file. Amy Perez moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Marci Martin seconded.
    2. Architectural Committee Report
      1. Submittal Status – The Architectural Committee approved one request for a home improvement since the last report..
  3. Ad Hoc Committee
    1. Arbitration Committee
      1. Status – The Board unanimously voted to proceed with the recommendation of the Arbitration Committee on 12/23/06 to levy a fine for property # 8810 @ $25/week. The fine notice will be hand delivered to the homeowner by Dave Flynn.
  4. Old Business
    1. Amendment – Sheds and Storm Doors – Filed with the County by the lawyer; awaiting confirmation that filing was accepted
    2. New Tree Installation by Builder of New Home – Board will not pursue this issue further.
    3. Turf and Fertilization Contract Renewals in February – Contracts were renewed.
    4. Neighborhood Security and Recent Vandalism – David Flynn spoke to the property owners adjacent to Boyette Farms that do not have fencing. These homeowners are not interested in fencing their lots.
    5. Proposal to move HOA fees payment due date – Amy Perez will pursue and will draft a letter and survey to determine if community would be interested in moving the HOA fee payment due date.
  5. New Business
    1. Outstanding HOA fees – All homeowners have paid except for the home that is undergoing foreclosure proceedings.
    2. Update Communications within Neighborhood – Improve homeowner contact information (ie email address) for important community information. Amy Perez, Cliff Reiss, and David Flynn will draft a letter to the community and also walk around the neighborhood to meet and great all neighbors to gather updated information and respond to any community questions or issues.
  6. Open Discussion to Community
      1. David Flynn made a motion to disband the existing Committee and revote on the Committee members, now that all Board Members were present. This motion was seconded by Deanna Davis and concurred by Amy Perez. Cliff Reiss and Marci Martin abstained from the vote.
      2. David Flynn made the motion to propose the following committee: Carol Flynn – Chair, Loy Sparks, Curt Horner, Don Bullard, and Claire Martinez. Deanna Davis seconded and Amy Perez concurred. Cliff Reiss and Marci Martin abstained from the vote. The motion passed and the above-mentioned names will serve as the Architectural Committee for the remainder of the year.

      The Board discussed how the Architectural Committee will operate in the future as a subcommittee making recommendations to the Board for final approval/disapproval of homeowner requests. A set of guidelines for the operation of the ACC will be drafted.

    1. Appeal of Prior Decision of Architectural Committee – The Board voted 4-0 to approve Mr. Sparks’ request to install wood fencing; Marci Martin abstained.


  7. ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, David Flynn motioned to adjourn the meeting. Amy Perez seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.


Recording Secretary: Amy Perez, Secretary – Aberdeen Creek HOA