HOA Board Meeting Minutes



David Flynn-President, Marci Martin-Vice President, Cliff Reiss-Treasurer, Deanna Davis- Member At Large, Amy Perez-Secretary. The following homes were represented: 8803, 8805, 8806, 8903, 8914,8 915,8 940, and 9008.

David Flynn called meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Five board members were present providing a quorum.

  1. Review and Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 12/12/06
    1. Minutes were read by Amy Perez. Motion to approve with amendment by Cliff Reiss and second by Deanna Davis. Amendment to the minutes should read the new homebuilder is not obligated to install trees; it is his choice to install trees or pay the fees to Hillsborough County.
  2. Report of Standing Committees
    1. Treasurer’s Report- Cliff Reiss read off the treasurer’s report. Community Assets total $16,167.57. December and full year expenses were $1,365.96 and $20,534.17, respectively. Financials are on file. Another Board Member will confirm bank Statements. HOA fees received to date 35 out of 51. $5,600 of HOA fees still pending receipt. HOA Late Fees of $3.50/month will be assessed for payments received after January 31, 2007. Lot numbers assigned for Board business were randomly selected. Amy Perez moved to approve the treasurer’s report and Deanna Davis seconded.
    2. Architectural Committee Report
      1. Members-None at this time. Last year 5 members served. Denise Briggs offered to recruit members if needed. Issue tabled until next Board Meeting.
      2. Submittal Status- No submittals pending review.
  3. Ad Hoc Committee
    1. Arbitration Committee
      1. Members-None at this time. Last year 5 members served. Karen Knowles offered to serve if Board decided to continue with this committee. Issue tabled until next Board Meeting.
      2. Status – Not discussed.
  4. Old Business
    1. Amendment – Sheds and Storm Doors- Amendment was delivered to Hillsborough County and was rejected due to improper format. Amendment will be turned over to the Attorney (Mr. Kosan) to properly file the document. This amendment is to allow sheds that are similar in appearance to the homes.
    2. New Tree Installation by Builder of New Home-New homebuilder has not been in touch with the HOA for several months concerning the tree installation. Board will follow up with the new home builder to see if he is still interested in installing trees in the community.
    3. Electrical in Common Area (Repairs and new outlets) – Cliff Reiss confirmed electrical issues appear to have been resolved.
    4. Legal Council Status of Retainer Agreement- Attorney is already on retainer.
  5. New Business
    1. Board Member Roles
      1. David Flynn- President; Signature on checks; Contact landscape and fertilizing contract providers
      2. Marci Martin – Vice President; Signature on checks
      3. Cliff Reiss – Treasurer; Combination lock to gated area at entrance; Key to Post Office Box, Signature on checks; Maintain Website;
      4. Deanna Davis – At Large
      5. Amy Perez – Secretary; Key to Post Office Box, Reserve Civic Center; Post Meeting Announcement
    2. Aberdeen Creek Website – Website to be maintained by Cliff Reiss. No personal information is on the site and no passwords are necessary for access.
    3. Turf and Fertilization Contract Renewals in February-Discussion among Board Members concluded with overall satisfaction with current service provided by BK Turf and Crew Cuts. There may be a $10/month increase in the cost of lawn maintenance. David Flynn will contact them to confirm the contractors want to continue to serve our community. Amy Perez made a motion to continue with the lawn service providers for another 1 year contract and seconded by Deanna Davis. If service is unsatisfactory at anytime during the year and issue cannot be resolved the Board can cancel the service.
    4. Neighborhood Security and Recent Vandalism – The rash of vandalism that occurred in December and early January appears to have stopped. The Board discussed ways to secure the community. David Flynn will research Community, County and Southwest Florida Water Management District restrictions and discuss at next Board Meeting.
    5. Proposal to move HOA fees payment due date to February for Year 2008- Amy Perez proposed for the Board to consider moving the date to collect HOA fees further from the December holidays, to take affect in 2009. In order to move the date HOA fees are due, the entire community will have to approve. One proposal would be to move the Community’s Fiscal Year to March instead of January. Under this scenario, in 2008 only, homeowners would pay for 25% ($87.50) of the year’s dues in January 2008 and then pay 125% ($437.50) of the year’s dues in January 2009, from that point on, the dues would be assessed in March. This proposal may be a slight inconvenience on the homeowners, but by the year 2009 it would allow the homeowners to recover from the holidays and it is anticipated that the community will collect the dues in a timelier manner.
  6. Open Discussion to Community
    1. Amy Perez reported that she attended the Public Hearing on the Flood Insurance Rate Map Update on 1/18/07. Homeowners adjacent to the conservation area may see a change to their flood zone classification, which may cause them to maintain flood insurance as required by their mortgage company. Homeowners are encouraged to visit the Hillsborough County Website and click on the red link on the right hand side labeled "Knowing your Flood Risk". This link will lead you to a page where you can view the flood maps in the vicinity of your property address.
    2. Cliff Reiss filed the Division of Corporation documents in early January
  7. * Being no further business, motion to adjourn made by Amy Perez and seconded by Deanna Davis. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm

Next HOA Meeting is Thursday, February 22, 2007 at 7:00 pm at the Riverview Civic Center.

Recording Secretary: Amy Perez, Secretary – Aberdeen Creek HOA