HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Riverview Civic Center
November 29, 2007
ATTENDEES: David Flynn-President, Marci Martin – Vice President, Cliff Reiss – Treasurer, Amy Perez-Secretary, Deanna Davis – At Large
Homeowners: 8803, 8903, 8806, 8908, 8914, 8915, 8946, 8950, 9002, 9008
- Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. by D. Flynn.
- Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on October 23, 2007. A.Perez motioned to approve minutes, seconded by M. Martin. Unanimous approval.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Bank Account Balance $12,368.78.
- November Expenses $1,365.37.
- Bank Statements reviewed by Marci Martin and confirmed to financials
- A.Perez motion to approve, seconded by M. Martin. Unanimous approval
- Ad Hoc Committee Reports
- Arbitration Committee – No activity to report.
- Fine Committee – No activity to report
- Report of Standing Committees
- Architecture Committee Report
- Applications Received / Actions Taken
- Window Installation – Approved
- Screen Door Installation - Approved
- Other Committee Business - none
- Old Business
- Sales & Foreclosures
- Crew Cuts has not needed to mow at 8910 because neighbor has voluntarily mowed. However, Crew Cuts will mow if necessary when they come.
- Violations
- Homeowner at 222 – no response to previous fine letter - will be fined again.
- Landscape Improvements
- Landscape Update- At the last meeting, Board approved to move forward with improving the frontage landscaping. The improvements will be handled in phases. Phase I will include cutting down the pine trees, trimming the trees that overhang the fence, and improvements to the center island. Phase II improvements will be determined after Phase I is complete. This will be handled by the next year’s Board.
- New Business
- 2008 Elections
- Presentation of Candidates
- Cliff Reiss
- Marci Martin
- Denise Briggs
- Richard Cochran
- John Cirello
- Rob Fisher (not present)
- Voting – 19 proxies were collected which is greater than 10% of the community required by the Bylaws to elect a new board.
- C. Reiss and H. Zerby tallied the votes. The 2008 Board elected is as follows: Cliff Reiss, John Cirello, Marci Martin, Rob Fisher, Denise Briggs
- Annual Homeowner Association Fees ($350.00) due on January 1st, 2008.
- Board Turnover Meeting date December 20th at David Flynn’s home (9008).
- 2008 Budget was approved. C. Reiss motioned to approve, seconded by M.Martin and concurred by D. Flynn and A. Perez. (note – due to an oversight the budget approval by Board was completed after the meeting).
- Motion to adjourn made by A.Perez and seconded by M. Martin. Being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Prepared by: Amy Perez, HOA Secretary