Minutes for 11-14-06 Board Meeting
Meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Steve Briggs, President of the Board. 4 members creating a quorum were in attendance.
Steve Briggs-President, Marci Martin VP, Cliff Reiss-Treasurer, Tom Martinez-Secretary,
Thirteen of Fifty households were present for this 11/14/06 Board Meeting.
Meeting agenda prepared by Steve Briggs.
Board Members reviewed & voted on the following motions:
- To accept or reject the previous ACHOA 10-10-06 meeting minutes. Status: Accepted
- To accept or reject Treasurers Report as read by Treasurer-Cliff Reiss. Accepted
- To accept or reject ACC report as provided by Denise Briggs. Status: Accepted.
- To accept additional common lawn area maintenance. Status. Accepted
- To reject additional Liability Insurance. Accepted
- To accept proposed 2007 budget as presented by Cliff Reiss. Accepted
Unresolved Resolutions:
- Amendment signatures status for Shed and Storm doors. Completed. Status: To be hand delivered to Hillsborough County office for amendment change approving sheds and storm doors as written on signature sheet. S. Briggs and T. Martinez by next meeting.
- Common area plans for benches and trees. By August end T. Martinez. Pending additional trees locations. On hold
- Follow up with builder of Lot #24 for removal or relocation of Port-a-potty so that it does not block the sidewalk.
New Business:
Follow up with Arbitration Committee to implement fine for Fine letter to Lot #35 regarding un-kept grass and lack of weeding in front landscaping that was sent on 10-16-06. Lot # 35 has until November 20, 2006 to correct violation or fine of $100.00 per day will be levied.
ELECTIONS FOR YEAR 2007 BOARD MEMBERS. Candidates for year 2007 H.O.A. Board were allowed to speak and provide personal background to attendees. Candidates speaking were: Cliff Reiss, Marci Martin, Dee Davis, Dave Flynn, and Amy Perez.
Voting took place with 24 homes represented and tallied. Discussion by Board and former Board President Rob Fisher left unresolved the question of the number of votes required to have a valid election – previous Boards have operated under the presumption that 2/3 of the Owners must vote in person or by proxy (35 homes); however reading of the CC&R indicates 10% of the Owners are sufficient for a quorum and a majority vote is sufficient to elect a Board. Legal advice will be obtained before month-end to resolve this question. If the election is complete then Cliff Reiss, Marci Martin, Dee Davis, Dave Flynn, and Amy Perez have been elected. If additional homes will need to vote in order to comply with 2/3 of community represented then the method of obtaining additional home votes will be reviewed and implemented prior to next H.O.A. meeting.
Next Scheduled H.O.A. meeting is: Dec.12th @ 7:00p.m. At the Riverview Civic Center.
This meeting is to confirm new H.O.A. Board Members for year 2007.
Being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Submitted by: Tom Martinez, Secretary - Aberdeen Creek H.O.A.