Minutes for 1-11-06 Board Meeting
This meeting was called to order at 7:08p.m.by Richard Cochran, President of the Board. Five members creating a quorum were in attendance.
Rick Cochran-President, Steve Briggs-VP, Cliff Reiss-Treasurer, Tom Martinez-Secretary, and Marci Martin-Alternate.
New 2006 board members were introduced to the Aberdeen Creek owners in attendance.
13 homes were represented as listed on 1/11/06 attendance sheet.
The meeting agenda was prepared by Richard Cochran and posted on the Aberdeen Creek web site prior to the meeting.
Board Members reviewed & voted on the following motions:
End of December Balance 12/31/2005 $11,939.35
Checking account balance: $11,879.35
Current Month Expenses: $2,051.59
The main purpose of this meeting was to introduce the 2006 Aberdeen Creek Homeowners Association Officers, review old business and establish new business as required.
New Business:
Common area lawn service - Discussion on obtaining bids to determine best service for community. Ongoing. Bids to be obtained and finalized prior to next scheduled board meeting.
Entrance sidewalk has algae growth and is needed to be pressure washed. Steve Briggs and Tom Martinez to pressure wash prior to next scheduled board meeting.
Addition of "No Soliciting – No Trespassing " signs to remain on table until next scheduled board meeting.
Retention Pond Certification to remain on table until next scheduled board meeting. Tom Martinez in process of gathering information for final determination.
Association dues status: 38 paid, 10 still pending receipt of payment. "Past Due" notifications of Homeowner dues to be sent.
ACC Annual Summary Report read by Denise Briggs.
Next Scheduled H.O.A. meeting is to be: April 12th @ 7:00p.m. At the Riverview Civic Center.
Being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Submitted by: Tom Martinez, Secretary - Aberdeen Creek H.O.A.