Minutes for September 22, 2005 Board Meeting

The meeting was held at the Riverview Civic Center and called to order at 7:08 PM by President Rob Fisher. President Fisher advised that Roberts Rules of Order would be followed during the meeting.

Four board members were present: Rob Fisher President, Julia Ryan Treasurer, Clifford Reiss Secretary, Richard Cochran At-Large Representative. A quorum of the Board was present.

Seven (7) Aberdeen Creek Owners were represented as evidenced by their entries on the sign-in sheet: 8805, 8914, 8915, 8917, 8930, 8937, and 8939.

Meeting Agenda prepared by Rob Fisher:

The minutes of the August 18, 2005 meeting were posted on the Aberdeen Creek Homeowners Association web site (www.aberdeencreekfl.com) for review by the Board members prior to the meeting. Motion to approve the minutes as written offered by Julia Ryan, seconded by Richard Cochran, approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s report by Julia Ryan – a copy of the Financials is attached to these minutes:

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report offered by Clifford Reiss, seconded by Richard Cochran, unanimously approved.

Violations recorded during 2005 were reviewed to determine if further action is required:

New violations discussed:

The ACC committee will provide a list of all changes and improvements approved to date by the ACC as well as a list of identified changes or improvements that may violate the CC&R’s and/or for which approval has not been requested or granted. This will provide a complete history on which to base future Board action. Rob Fisher will request a legal opinion on the ACC’s use of digital photographs taken last year to establish a baseline for identifying changes that would require ACC approval.

The ACC Guidelines established last year are attached and incorporated into these minutes to make them a part of the official records of the Association. The Guidelines will also be added to the New Homeowner package

Richard Cochran reported that John Pollack has completed repairs to the sprinkler system. Clifford Reiss will endeavor to double-check on the sprinkler timer settings and for proper operation of the sprinklers. Richard noted that John has completed the work but did not submit a proposal and estimate of expense and has not yet submitted a bill for the work despite several requests.

President Rob Fisher described action underway to modify the CC&R’s. The first proposed change will require that any residence built on a Lot must be at least 2,000 square feet of air conditioned space with at least a 2-car garage. This will ensure that any additional construction in the subdivision is consistent with the existing homes. The second proposed change will correct the CC&R to substantially reduce the county fee for recording CC&R changes. The CC&R today states that change requires a "written instrument" signed by the Owners – according to legal advice given to the Board each Owner would have to sign an individual form when voting on a proposed change and each and every individual form would have to be submitted and filed with the county at a cost of $10 per page. The proposed amendment would not change the requirement for a 2/3 vote to approve CC&R changes, but would permit recording of the vote and entry of that vote into the minutes – once the minutes are accepted by the Board only the amendment and minutes would need to be filed with the county. The Board anticipates that voting on these amendments will take place at the annual meeting in November – appropriate notice to the community will be required in advance of the meeting.

Amendments to the CC&R approved last year have not been filed with the county even though they were given to the lawyer engaged by the previous Board for that purpose. The Board does not have a copy of these amendments or the Owners signatures approving the amendments. The previous lawyer, Lassman, will be contacted and asked to return the originals and/or copies

Richard Cochran advised that he has contacted a vendor for a quote on creating a "No Soliciting / No Trespassing" sign in the same style as the current subdivision sign. The Board approved a motion offered by Julia Ryan and seconded by Clifford Reiss to authorize Richard to spend up to $300 without further approval to purchase a sign.

The lawyer training session did not take place on September 13 and has been rescheduled for October 18. The cost is estimated at $250; the Association will only be charged for 1 hour of time excluding any travel time.

The Board continued last month’s discussion of research into Management Companies. President Rob Fisher has spoken with two (2) more firms – Kings Realty and Sterling Management. He noted that if further research of a management company was to be pursued Sterling offered the best services. Sterling Management has said they would provide the following services: attending all meetings, enforcing Roberts Rules of Order, facilitating meetings, finding and working with vendors, handling violations, negotiating contracts, working with our lawyer, providing the capacity to collect dues on other than an annual basis, paying bills, providing monthly statements, and most important ensuring the Association is in compliance with current Rules and Regulations of the State of Florida. There was lively discussion around the value added versus cost of contracting with a management company – issues raised and discussed included:

Due to the closing of the Community Center at 9PM a motion to adjourn the meeting, prior to finishing the agenda, was offered by Julia Ryan at 9:05PM, seconded by Richard Cochran, and unanimously approved.

Minutes prepared and submitted by: Clifford Reiss – Secretary, Aberdeen Creek HOA

