Minutes for June 23, 2005 Board Meeting
The meeting was held at the Riverview Civic Center.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05PM by President Rob Fisher.
All board members were in attendance: Rob Fisher, President, Julia Ryan Treasurer, Clifford Reiss Secretary, and Gary Stecker At-Large Representative – a quorum of the Board was present.
Ten (10) Aberdeen Creek Owners were represented per the sign-in sheet: 8803, 8805, 8911, 8915, 8917, 8930, 8932, 8944, 8946 and 9002
Meeting Agenda prepared by Rob Fisher:
Previous meeting minutes were read by Gary Stecker from his notes. Motion to approve the minutes as read offered by Julia Ryan, seconded by Clifford Reiss, approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s report by Julia Ryan – a copy of the Financials is attached to these minutes:
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report offered by Gary Stecker, seconded by Rob Fisher, unanimously approved.
The Board has asked Karen Knowles to assume the vacant Vice President position. A motion was offered by Clifford Reiss to accept Karen for this position, seconded by Gary Stecker, unanimously approved.
Lawn Maintenance Discussion – a number of residents have complained about the condition of the common area and subdivision entrance. Complaints have included: weeds in the mulch and flowerbeds; lack of maintenance of the pond area; no renewal of the mulch and flowers in the entrance; and failure to trim the shrubs. Rob Fisher noted that the contract calls for "seasonal" trimming; does not include sprinkler system checks, and mulch and flowers are an extra cost item that are not included in the contract. It was also noted that Rob Fisher conducted a walkthrough with the vendor when we entered into the lawn service contract. A discussion about possibly replacing Pa-Ja-Ma led to a review of the concerns last year that resulted in a change in vendors. Julia Ryan advised that the current lawn service vendor (Pa-Ja-Ma) was advised on Memorial Day by email that the common area and front entrance were not being maintained to the Board’s expectations.
A motion was offered by Gary Stecker to direct Rob Fisher to contact Pa-Ja-Ma by phone and detail Pa-Ja-Ma’s failure to provide services as specified in the contract; to give Pa-Ja-Ma 2 weeks to correct the situation; and to inform Pa-Ja-Ma that not performing to the terms of the contract will result in the Board exercising the 30-day cancellation clause. Karen Knowles seconded; motion unanimously approved.
Clifford Reiss offered a motion that the Board request Pure Green submit a new estimate for consideration as our backup lawn service vendor should the Board decide to replace the current vendor – the estimate should specify a contract term ending in February, 2006. Gary Stecker seconded; unanimously approved. Gary Stecker offered a motion to amend the previous motion to specify submission of the estimate in 10 days; motion seconded by Julia Ryan and unanimously approved.
The Board will ensure sprinkler system maintenance is part of subsequent contracts.
CC&R Violations Discussion – no violation notices have been issued in the past month; but Rob Fisher has reviewed some individual situations (i.e. lawns that are not up to standard) with the Owners and remedial action is underway. The houses listed below are known to be in violation and talks with them are either under way or it will be brought to their attention. Rob Fisher will continue to follow-up as necessary. A lively discussion of the Board’s responsibility to walk the neighborhood to ensure compliance with CC&R rules resulted in the Board adopting the following action plan: the Board will first focus on correcting the problems with the common area and entrance and will then implement a walk the neighborhood plan -- prior to the next Board meeting each Board member will walk the neighborhood and will bring their observations to the Board meeting.
House Number |
Violation |
8902 |
Article II "Property Rights" - Section 10 |
9006 |
Article VII "General Covenants & Restrictions" - Section 7 |
PSI Letter discussion – a letter from PSI Engineering Consulting and Testing advises that the runoff pond requires the Association to have a surface water management permit and testing is required every 18 months. Karen Knowles offered a motion directing Gary Stecker to investigate qualified vendors of surface water management inspections and to then contract with an appropriate vendor at a cost not to exceed $850.00. Motion was seconded by Gary Stecker and unanimously approved
Welcome Package – the UPS store will hold a Welcome Package if such package is provided to them by the Homeowners Association and will print copies on request. Karen Knowles and Dee Davis will work on preparation of a Welcome Package.
Legal Representation – after discussing options for engaging a new legal firm to represent the Association in matters that require legal services and to provide guidance and training for the Board, Clifford Reiss offered a motion to select Bush Ross PA to represent the Association when needed. Karen Knowles seconded the motion; unanimously approved. The Board also agreed to hold a dinner meeting of the Board to conduct training on the responsibilities and duties of homeowner association boards.
Gary Stecker offered a motion that legal fees incurred when responding to a recent court Summons served on the Association (as a party owed funds in foreclosure proceedings) be assessed back to the Owner of the Lot; motion seconded by Rob Fisher and unanimously approved.
Management Company Discussion – Rob Fisher, Julia Ryan and Gary Stecker will continue to research selection of a management company.
Julia Ryan will handle changes to the bank account signature card to reflect the addition of Karen Knowles to the Board.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was offered by Gary Stecker and seconded by Julia Ryan. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM
Submitted by: Clifford Reiss – Secretary, Aberdeen Creek HOA