Minutes for October 20, 2005 Board Meeting
The meeting was held at the Riverview Civic Center and called to order at 7:05 PM by President Rob Fisher.
Five board members were present: Rob Fisher President, Karen Knowles Vice President, Julia Ryan Treasurer, Clifford Reiss Secretary, Richard Cochran At-Large Representative. A quorum of the Board was present.
Eight (8) Aberdeen Creek Owners were represented as evidenced by their entries on the sign-in sheet: 8806, 8914, 8915, 8919, 8930, 8938, 8943, and 8944.
The meeting Agenda was prepared by Rob Fisher and posted on the Aberdeen Creek web site prior to the meeting.
The minutes of the September 22, 2005 Board meeting were posted on the Aberdeen Creek Homeowners Association web site (www.aberdeencreekfl.com) for review by the Board members prior to the meeting. Motion to approve the minutes as written offered by Julia Ryan, seconded by Karen Knowles, approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s report by Julia Ryan – a copy of the Financials is attached to these minutes:
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report offered by Karen Knowles, seconded by Richard Cochran, unanimously approved.
The Architecture Committee ("ACC") provided a list of requests received by the ACC and actions taken. The Board Secretary will establish a file folder to maintain a copy of the list and future updates.
The Board discussed the status of investigation of Management Companies and concluded that no further action is to be taken based on input from the community. The Board Secretary will establish a file to retain information gathered while researching Management Companies so that this information will be available for future reference.
The Board discussed the proposed 2006 budget. The discussion began with a reference to guidance received from the lawyer retained by the Association, Steven Mezer of Bush Ross PA, that a previous amendment to the CC&R to reduce from 52 to 50 the number of lots assessed association dues might not withstand a challenge in court due to the manner in which the amendment was documented. The lawyer has recommended that the assessments for 2006 be based on the original 52 lots. Each line item of the proposed budget was discussed in some detail; the amount to be budgeted for TECO charges was modified. A motion was offered by Julia Ryan, seconded by Karen Knowles, to accept the revised budget for presentation at the November Board meeting; the motion was unanimously approved.
The budget discussion also included reference to the potential cost of repairs to the fence on the perimeter of the subdivision. Guidance from the Association lawyer, Steve Mezer, and reference to the CC&R seems to indicate that the Association’s responsibility for the maintenance and repair of fences is limited to the fence in the Common Area – all other perimeter fences appear to be the responsibility of the Owner on whose property the fence has been installed. A committee consisting of Rob Fisher and Clifford Reiss will review the subdivision Plat documents in an attempt to clarify this responsibility.
Two amendments to the CC&R have been drafted and require approval by a 2/3 vote of the Owners. The amendments will: 1) increase the minimum requirements for houses constructed on lots in the subdivision, and 2) change the manner in which a vote by the members to modify the CC&R must be documented with Hillsborough County. The amendments will require an affirmative vote by 2/3 of the community Owners; every Owner of record on the title to each Lot must sign the voting document and their vote must be both witnessed and notarized. The Board was unable to find a notary to be available at this Board meeting to begin the voting process. Steven Briggs and Julia Ryan were appointed as a committee to follow-up and obtain a notary. An amendment was offered by Clifford Reiss, seconded by Karen Knowles, to authorize the expenditure of up to $150 by the committee to compensate a notary and facilitate obtaining the necessary signatures.
A discussion of some of the recommendations by the Association lawyer was concluded with an agreement to prepare an official record of the meeting and summarize the discussion in an action report that can be used by subsequent Boards. A committee consisting of Rob Fisher and Clifford Reiss, assisted by Steven Briggs, was appointed to prepare this record.
Rich Cochran reported he has had no response from the company he contacted to obtain a quote for a "no trespassing / no soliciting" sign for the subdivision entrance. He will broaden his search to include other companies.
In response to a previous finding by John and Christie Pollack that an "old" Aberdeen Creek web site may still be on the Internet, with unprotected personal information, Rob Fisher advised that he has deleted this site. John and Christie were asked to check and confirm that this old site is no longer accessible on the web.
Candidates have been identified who will run for positions on the Board of Directors for 2006: Donald Bullard, Steve Briggs, Rich Cochran, Clifford Reiss, and Marci Martin. Biographies must be provided by each potential candidate within the week so ballots can be prepared and mailed in advance of next month’s Board meeting.
Rich Cochran was asked to follow-up on obtaining certification from our current retention pond maintenance contractor that the subdivision retention pond is in compliance with SWIFTMUD regulations.
One sprinkler head appears to have a leaking feed pipe. A motion was offered by Julia Ryan, seconded by Karen Knowles, and passed unanimously to authorize Rich Cochran to spend up to $100 to have the sprinkler repaired.
Rich Cochran will also follow-up with Mike Wise to investigate possible problems with the well, pump, and pressure tank (if any) that is affecting sprinkler action
A committee consisting of Julia Ryan and Marci Martin was appointed to review the Association’s insurance coverage and obtain quotes for replacement insurance.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM on a motion from Karen Knowles, seconded by Julia Ryan and unanimously approved.