Last Update 12-08-2024

Aberdeen Creek HOA maintains 2 bank accounts - one managed by the Management Company at Truist
and one managed by the Board at Fifth Third Bank.

The Fifth Third account managed by the Board:
> The Account is a Business Checking Account
> No minimum balance is required to waive Service Charges
> To maintain the account in an active state it is recommended that
absent any other activity a small transaction be made once a year.
> More than 3/4 of the funds were placed in a CD when the account was opened.

Additional Information:
> The current account signers are John Laskowski-HOA Secretary and Clifford Reiss-HOA Treasurer
> The account does not have a Debit Card - Debit Cards are prohibited by Florida Statute
> Checks for the account were purchased at low cost from Bradford Exchange and are held by the Treasurer
> Online account access userid and password are known by the HOA Secretary and HOA Treasurer
> A daily account summary is sent to the account email address and is monitored by the Treasurer
> A daily account summary is also sent to the Treasurers phone